Animation Calculator

Welcome to Creative Studio’s Animation Calculator. Use this tool to create a benchmark budget for your animation project. Prices calculated here are based on the established rate cards we have with Cengage preferred vendors.

Which Type of Animation?

The first thing to establish is the type of animation you are looking to create. Please select one of the categories by clicking the image. If you’re not sure which type you need, please review the descriptions and examples we’ve posted on our capabilities page.

How Long?

Use the slider below to select the target length of a single animation for your project. Don’t add up the total number of animations, that would be skipping ahead! This slider tells us what to expect for the duration of a single animation in your program. Remember, attention spans will start to wane after three minutes.

How Many Animations?

This is the place to share the total number of animations. Maybe you’re targeting one per unit, or maybe it’s three per chapter. Use this slider to give us the total number of animations for the entire project.

Simple or Complex?

Now we’re past the easy stuff and we need a more descriptive note from you. Simple projects will have limited numbers of characters, locations, and movement. Complex projects will have multiple characters interacting in unique environments. There is some subjectivity and expertise required to make judgment calls like this, but remember, this tool is intended to provide insight into costs for your project, this is not an official estimate. And if you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Creative Studio Media Designer for clarity!

Total Estimated Cost

