An A/V media producer requested graphic design guidance: she needed a MindTap-compatible palette and fonts that could be applied to an English Composition video. Sensing that there would be an ongoing need for this information, we decided that creating an A/V-specific design reference document would be useful for team members working on future projects. We created a general and brief design guide that could apply to any subject area, and supplemented that with some additional specs for English Comp products—as we work on products in other subject areas, we can add more design specs to the reference document.
The types of design elements usually found in A/V projects are usually rather limited, so I started by reviewing the established Magma style sheet (which we use for MindTap and other products) and paring it down to only essential elements. I also made some recommendations for how and when certain elements and colors should be applied. The resulting document will serve as a quick reference for team members, allowing them to efficiently create impactful and cohesive A/V design.